Cryptomonadales is not only a complete food.... it is a healing food...
The Cryptomonadales properties:
- CGF providing abundant energy for your cells.
- Anti-aging effects through conversion of the human body from acidic to alkaline
- Blood purification and anti-toxic effect from abundant chlorophyll content (almost 100 times more than the normal vegetables.)
- Liver function regulation and protection
- Prevention and treatment of chronic disease through nutrition.
- Anti-viral, immunoregulation and anti-inflammation.
- Managing blood cholesterol
- Cancer aid effects of cryptomonadales
- The miracle of PPARs agonists
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Do we need supplements?

What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is the intake of food in relation to the body's dietary needs. Good nutrition - an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity - is a cornerstone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development and reduced productivity. (Nutrition as defined by World Health Organization, WHO)
Nutrition is the study of the relationship between food and health or disease, especially in determining an optimal diet for the purposes of health, weight loss, body building or other purposes.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Serious Diabetic Complications
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA), between 75% to 80% of diabetics will die of heart disease or stroke.
Facts directly from the American Diabetes Association:
- Nerve Damage: 60% to 70% of diabetics are affected by diabetic neuropathy.
- Amputations: Diabetes is the #1 cause of non-traumatic amputations; diabetics have a 40 times greater risk of leg amputations than people with normal blood sugar levels.
- Kidney Failure: Diabetes is the #1 cause of kidney failure, and is responsible for 40% of all new cases.
- Blindness: Diabetes is the #1 cause of blindness; diabetics are also at increased risk for glaucoma and cataracts.
- Other Complications: Diabetes also increases the risk for infections, impotence, digestive problems, memory loss, dementia, periodontal or gum disease, and a host of other problems.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Frequently Asked Questions about Cryptomonadales
1. I suffer from a thyroid gland disturbance. Should I take Crypto+?
Crypto+ is made of 100% Cryptomonadales, fresh water algae, as opposed to salt water algae, and thus contains only very small quantities of iodine. Therefore, it is unlikely to disturb the functioning of the thyroid gland.
2. At what dosage would Crypto+ become harmful?
An over dose on Crypto+ is unlikely. Crypto+ is a good supplement with rich nutrient and mineral contents. Consumption of 100gm or more a day has been tested to have no harmful effects. However, people who are in a poor health may experience detoxification / healing symptoms such as running nose, rashes, diarrhea, bloating, cold sore, acne breakout, headache and fever. There is no cause for alarm, as these symptoms will subside within 7-10 days.
3. In what way does Crypto+ aid in the detoxification process?
Crypto+ binds the toxins irreversibly on its cellular membrane and is removed as waste through the large intestine.
4. Can Crypto+ be taken with tea or coffee?
You can drink tea and coffee when taking Crypto+.
5. Can Crypto+ be taken with alcohol?
You can consume alcohol and take Crypto+ at the same time without any harmful side effect. In fact, Crypto+ can minimize the effect of an alcohol hangover.
6. Should I look out for any side effects?
There are no side effects.
7. Can I take Crypto+ when I have a stomach or duodenal ulcer?
Stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers occur due to excessive acid acting on the stomach and intestine walls. Crypto+ neutralizes the acids present in the stomach and intestines into a more alkaline state, thereby restoring the natural pH balance of the body.
8. I have Diabetes. Can I take Crypto+?
There have been studies from the National Health Research Institutes (NHRI), Taiwan that provides conclusive evidence that Crypto+ normalizes blood sugar and blood fat levels. Crypto+ has also been found to contain 3 isoforms of Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARS) which is the subject of intense research for its pharmacological promise in the treatment of metabolic illnesses like diabetes mellitus, obesity, and high cholesterols.
9. Can children take Crypto+?
Crypto+ can aid in the growth and development of children as young as two years if age. In fact, it is highly recommended for children to consume about 1g (5tablets) to 2g (10 tablets) daily.
10. Can women who are pregnant or breast-feeding take Crypto+?
Crypto+ has tremendous nutrient, mineral and vitamin contents. It also enhances the mother’s immune system. This is especially important for women during pregnancy or when breast-feeding. The newborn baby through breast feeding would also benefit indirectly. Crypto+ enhances the baby’s immune system and helps in its development.
11. Do I need to consume other vitamins and minerals when I am taking Crypto+?
12. Can I take Crypto+ when I have allergies?
Allergies are usually a symptom of a compromised autoimmune system. Crypto+ will not make your allergies worse. In fact, it would help you strengthen your autoimmune system. Crypto+ will not cause you to have allergies rather it will help you to overcome them with diligent consumption.
13. I wish to take Crypto+ as a food supplement to increase my general well being.
After how long can I expect to see improved health?
Answer: If you take 6g(30 tablets) of Crypto+ everyday, you will see improved health and well being after one to three months. Generally, for sustained improvement in health, six months continuous consumption is recommended for a start.
14. I am a heavy smoker. Can I take Crypto+?
More so when you are a heavy smoker should consume Crypto+ and at a higher dosage. In fact, Crypto+ can help you to get out of nicotine dependence.
15.I suffer from low blood pressure. Can I take Crypto+?
Crypto+ can assist in improving your condition.
16. I suffer from acne. Can Crypto+ help me?
Acne is manifestation of your body’s toxins becoming visible. Crypto+ can definitely improve your complexion by restoring the pH balance through detoxification.
17. Should I be wary of putting on weight with Crypto+?
Crypto+ will help you to lose weight, instead of putting on weight. When your body has all the nutrients it needs, you will not be craving for food and overeat.
18. As a vegetarian, how can Crypto+ supplement my diet?
Besides the rich phytonutrient contents, Crypto+ has 60% protein, as opposed to 7% in rice, 11% in wheat and 38% in soybean. It is also the richest source of vitamin B12, that vegetarian’s lack.
19. I have cancer. How can Crypto+ help me?
Crypto+ contains glyconutrients that aid in the production of Natural Killer (NK) cells, which are responsible for the destruction of cancer cells.
20. I have cancer and I have to undergo radiotherapy session. Can I take Crypto+?
Crypto+ has high chlorophyll content, and can protect your tissues against harmful rays during radiotherapy sessions. Therefore, it is highly recommended for someone undergoing radiotherapy to get on Crypto+ immediately. You should start taking Crypto+ immediately without any more delay.
21. I am having an operation in the next few days. How can Crypto+ benefit me?
Crypto+ contains all twenty amino acids needed by humans, including eight essential amino acids, which are necessary for protein synthesis and tissue regeneration. In this way, accelerates healing of the body and should be taken even before the operation.
22. As sports person, how can Crypto+ improve my physical performance?
Crypto+ is beneficial not only for endurance, but also for energy. Generally, for sustained physical performance, take 10g (50 tablets) daily for three months before your big event.
23. I suffer from an autoimmune illness. Can I take Crypto+?
Autoimmune illnesses are often part of rheumatic ailments. Continuous consumption of Crypto+ will in fact, help to strengthen your autoimmune system and overcome these illnesses.
24. In what way is Crypto+ unique?
Crypto+ is unique for its high chlorophyll content, Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), nucleic acid as well as for its detoxification capability. Crypto+ contains 4.2 times as much chlorophyll as ordinary vegetables. Crypto+ is one of the most ideal alkaline foods. Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) not only stimulates children�s growth, but also helps with adult metabolism and synthesis of enzymes. DNA and RNA, representing the two types of nucleic acids, are essential for cell regeneration.
25. I suffer from regular bleeding gums. How can Crypto+ assist in remedying my problem?
Bleeding gums is caused by a lack of Vitamin B. 100g of Crypto+ contains:
- Vitamin B1 1.4-1.6mg
- Vitamin B2 4.0-4.8mg
- Niacin Nicotinic B3 21-24mg
- Pantothenic Acid B5 25-27mg
- Vitamin B6 1.9-2.1mg
- Vitamin B12 110-126mg
- Vitamin B-Complex 165-185mg
It is advisable for you to take 2g (10 tablets) of Crypto+ daily. Alternatively, gurgle with a solution by dissolving 1.6g (8 tablets) of Crypto+?
26. I am slowly recovering from pneumonia. How can Crypto+ help me?
Pneumonia is the result of compromised immunity. Crypto+ can help you by strengthening your body’s immune system with high nutrient input through consumption.
27. I have insomnia. Can Crypto+ help me?
Magnesium can aid in the restoration of restful sleep if insomnia is caused by poor nutrition, especially the lack of minerals. Crypto+ contains 290-325mg of magnesium per 100g of Crypto+. However, the extent to which the effect of Crypto+ is successful depends on the origin of your condition.
28. If I have shingles, is it recommended for me to take Crypto+?
Shingles is caused by viral infection, and the body’s inability to fight against the viral attack due to poor immune system. By consuming Crypto+ diligently, your body’s immune system will be strengthened to overcome shingles. It is advisable to consume 4g (20 tablets) a day continuously for a period of six months to prevent recurrence.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
HEALTH WARNING! Holding back your bowel have dire health consequences
The health of our digestive system tract is vital to our general well-being. The digestive tract is responsible for the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients and the elimination of wates and gunk.
With the daily intake of food and liquid, which sometimes contain toxic chemical and harmful bacteria (pathogens), our health will be compromised if these are not removed regularly.
Ideally, our bowels should be cleansed 2 to 3 times a day. Otherwise, toxins built-up from collected waste will lead to colonic problems such as bloating, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, gastro-intestinal inflammation, colon ulcers and colorectal cancer.
CLEANSE binds cholesterol and toxins, preventing absorption through colon lining
CLEANSE increases ease and reduces transit time of feces.
CLEANSE gets rid of gunk and pathogens and facilitates absorption of nutrients
CLEANSE increase bulk and softens stool, reducing pressure on colon wall.
CLEANSE binds bile acids and reduces cholesterol levels
With the daily intake of food and liquid, which sometimes contain toxic chemical and harmful bacteria (pathogens), our health will be compromised if these are not removed regularly.
Ideally, our bowels should be cleansed 2 to 3 times a day. Otherwise, toxins built-up from collected waste will lead to colonic problems such as bloating, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, gastro-intestinal inflammation, colon ulcers and colorectal cancer.
CLEANSE binds cholesterol and toxins, preventing absorption through colon lining
CLEANSE increases ease and reduces transit time of feces.
CLEANSE gets rid of gunk and pathogens and facilitates absorption of nutrients
CLEANSE increase bulk and softens stool, reducing pressure on colon wall.
CLEANSE binds bile acids and reduces cholesterol levels
Benefits from colon cleansing
- Clearing the colon of old hardened waste materials and harmful toxins
- Restoring proper pH balance
- Better absorption of nutrients
- Prevent absorption of toxic substances
- Provides favorable environment for friendly bacteria and microflora for digestion
- Strengthen peristaltic (natural muscular contraction) activity in the colon
- Regular bowel movement
benefits of cleanse,
colon cleanse,
ph balance
When do you need to Cleanse?
You need to cleanse when:
- Feeling tired and week
- Jaundice (skin discoloration)
- Pain and cramps in the abdomen
- Unusual bowel movement; constipation; diarrhea, narrowing of stool
- Feeling fullness (not relieved by bowel movement)
- Bleeding rectum; blood in stool
- Reduced appetite
colon cancer,
Unhealthy colon
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What is Detoxification?
Detoxification (detox) in general is the removal of toxix substances from the body. It is a CRITICAL process that occurs daily. Detoxification occurs at all levels of our body, from our systems, to our organs, even our cells.
Detoxification is achieved through numerous organs such as the liver, kidneys and lower gastrointestinal tract. Our entire digestive tract is 6 times our height with the colon alone measuring 1.6 meters long.
Detoxification is achieved through numerous organs such as the liver, kidneys and lower gastrointestinal tract. Our entire digestive tract is 6 times our height with the colon alone measuring 1.6 meters long.
Cleanse formula,
lose weight
The Easiest Way to Lose Weight
“Your daily source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers”. Our colons are lines with tube-like extensions called “villi”. Nutrients are absorbed through the villi. However, dirty colon can cause the villi to be “clogged”. Daily intake of soluble and insoluble fiber is VITAL to keep your villi clear and clean.
Since more than 80% of our food consist of meat and processed flour which contain little or zero fiber content, ARE YOU GETTING YOUR DAILY FIBER REQUIREMENT? IT’S TIME TO DETOX with CLEANSE.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Simply Nature Cleanse
SIMPLY NATURE CLEANSE provides you with the necessary dietary fibers for your daily needs. Formulated for gentle effectiveness, it is perfect combination of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers for the cleaning and maintenance of your bowel system. It is also fortified with cholorophyll for additional powerful detoxification action.
The health of our digestive system is vital to our general well-being. The digestive tract is responsible for the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste.
The health of our digestive system is vital to our general well-being. The digestive tract is responsible for the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste.
Major Effects of an Unhealthy Colon
CONSTIPATION: Bad diet, lack of exercise and irregular bowel movement results to constipation. Constipation is a great risk for those who are suffering from high blood pressure.
FATIGUE: The body uses nutrients and spends energy to neutralize toxins (from our food intake, air we breath and water we drink) even while sleeping.
FATS: An attempt to protect the organs from toxins, the body produces fats for the purpose of storing toxins saway from vital organs. According to cardiologists, "THE BIGGER THE WAISTLINE, THE SHORTER THE LIFE SPAN". and an extra 3 or more inches on your waistline means a 40% more chances of sudden death.(cardiovascular diseases).
EXTRA WEIGHT: 3-10 kgs. of waste could accumulate inside the colon, this extra weight could give extra burden to the heart.
ACIDIC BLOOD LEADS TO ACIDIC CELLS: Diseases cannot thrive in an alkaline environment; when the cells are acidic, health deteriorates.
AUTO-INTOXIFICATION: Too much toxins in the body, may result in self-poisoning. This causes damage to the organs and glands; headaches, weight gain, fatigue poor complexion, lack luster hair and poor well-being.
COLON CANCER: Carcinogenic substances stored in the colon cause damaged cells which can lead to cancer.
FATIGUE: The body uses nutrients and spends energy to neutralize toxins (from our food intake, air we breath and water we drink) even while sleeping.
FATS: An attempt to protect the organs from toxins, the body produces fats for the purpose of storing toxins saway from vital organs. According to cardiologists, "THE BIGGER THE WAISTLINE, THE SHORTER THE LIFE SPAN". and an extra 3 or more inches on your waistline means a 40% more chances of sudden death.(cardiovascular diseases).
EXTRA WEIGHT: 3-10 kgs. of waste could accumulate inside the colon, this extra weight could give extra burden to the heart.
ACIDIC BLOOD LEADS TO ACIDIC CELLS: Diseases cannot thrive in an alkaline environment; when the cells are acidic, health deteriorates.
AUTO-INTOXIFICATION: Too much toxins in the body, may result in self-poisoning. This causes damage to the organs and glands; headaches, weight gain, fatigue poor complexion, lack luster hair and poor well-being.
COLON CANCER: Carcinogenic substances stored in the colon cause damaged cells which can lead to cancer.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What's inside our unhealthy colon?
According to research, 90% of illnesses originate from our colon. As the body accumulate toxins everyday from the environment (smog, pollution, chemicals), from the air, food, water and daily stress, the colon becomes extremely constricted, affecting the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract which eventually leads to major illnesses.
colon cancer,
simply nature
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Do you know someone who suffers from DIABETES?
or Acne, Alcoholism, Allergies, Alzheimer's disease, Arthritis, Bronchitis, Cancer, Cataract, Comatose, Constipation, Cysts, Epilepsy, Eczema, FAtigue, Fungal Infections, Goiter, Gout, Heart Disease, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Infertility, Insomnia, Joint Pains, Kidney problems, Leukemia, Liver problems, Lung infections, Menstrual problems, Migraine, Obesity, Parkinson's Disease, Sinusitis, Sleeplessness, Spondilytis, Stress, Stroke, Thyroid, Tumors, Ulcers, UTI, Unusual growths...
or Acne, Alcoholism, Allergies, Alzheimer's disease, Arthritis, Bronchitis, Cancer, Cataract, Comatose, Constipation, Cysts, Epilepsy, Eczema, FAtigue, Fungal Infections, Goiter, Gout, Heart Disease, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Infertility, Insomnia, Joint Pains, Kidney problems, Leukemia, Liver problems, Lung infections, Menstrual problems, Migraine, Obesity, Parkinson's Disease, Sinusitis, Sleeplessness, Spondilytis, Stress, Stroke, Thyroid, Tumors, Ulcers, UTI, Unusual growths...
Noble Life Health Talk Series in Davao City
The Noble Life Health Talk Series brings to you prominent doctors sharing their valuable medical knowledge. Learn about the medical updates that wold positively impact you and your loved ones' health. Discover how to maximize the benefit of Noble Life products.
Noble Life Presents:
Dr. Genelyn Herrera-Medical Doctor/Regional Coordinator Pinoy MD Program, Department of Health (DOH) Tacloban City.
Noble Life Presents:
Dr. Genelyn Herrera-Medical Doctor/Regional Coordinator Pinoy MD Program, Department of Health (DOH) Tacloban City.
See you on MAY 16, 2009, 1:30-3:30 PM at
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